There’s more to buying an office chair than sitting on it, inspecting its swivel capabilities, and playing with the height. When the novelty of a new office chair wears off, you’ll be thanking us for giving you the following advice. Whether you’re buying a number of office chairs for an office fit out, or one for a home office or family study, spending a little time to think about the following points will boost productivity and help prevent injury.
Who Will Be Using It?
Will the chair be used by office workers or family members? If being used outside of a typical office environment, what kind of work is that person doing? Think about the general size of the person (or people) using it. Even in a family environment, everyone has a unique body shape. The perfect chair is one that can accommodate everyone.
Where Will It Be Used?
If you’re buying a chair for a standard office setup, you will be safe with a standard style office chair. But, as you’ll see in our range, there are other designs that can benefit the user. For example, a saddle chair is simply just the ‘saddle’ or seat with no back or arms – perfect for professions where there’s a lot of movement away from a desk.
Choose Comfort When Buying an Office Chair
If an office chair isn’t comfortable, forget it. An uncomfortable office chair will reduce productivity. If you don’t want to sit in the chair, you’ll find any excuse to get out of it and walk around. As a result, less work get done. When choosing comfort, think about the cushioning for both the back and backside. You also need cushioning on the front of the chair to protect the backs of the legs.
Is It Adjustable?
Some chairs have multiple levers and dials – they aren’t just for show. They allow you to adjust the height, angle of the back, lumbar support and angle of the end of the chair, under your legs. An adjustable chair allows you or your employees to customise the chair to your specific needs. This can help prevent workplace injuries, especially to the back, neck and arms.
Can You Move the Arm Rests?
Some models allow you to move the arm rests up and down, and in and out. Larger organisations prefer this feature since it will accommodate a wide range of workers.
Does The Back Have Your Back?
Back support is often forgotten, however, it’s actually one of the most important elements of an office chair. Lumbar support will make the chair more comfortable while maintaining your spine’s natural curve. Again, this protects against workplace injuries to the back and neck, resulting in less absences and sick days.
Does It Meet OH&S Guidelines?
The Occupational Health and Safety representative in your workplace should be able to check that an office chair is compliant. Premier Office Furniture can also help find the right ergonomic options for you and our employees.
Did you know that you are still responsible for ensuring your staff have a safe workstation, even when they work from home? As a result, it is important to check they have the right office furniture at home. You can have your employees utilise a Display Screen Equipment (DSE) checklist to see whether their workstation is ergonomically sound. If you’re buying an office chair for personal use, it’s worth considering OH&S guidelines to avoid discomfort and unnecessary injury.
If you’d like to know more about Premier Office Furniture’s range of office chairs, please contact us – we’d love to help you find the right office chair for you and your office.