Sit Stand Chairs

An ‘ergonomic’ chair is one which makes your tasks easier, one that truely fits the shape of your body, and one that helps you operate in your working environment exactly as you would like to.

Just as the human body has been designed to constantly move, then so to your chair be equally flexible and therefore intuitive to your every movement.

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Standing for long periods of work can reduce worker performance. It may result in work-related injuries, decreased productivity, and increased medical costs. This may also have a negative effect on worker morale. Standing for long periods of time can cause static muscular contractions in the lower limb and back, which can lead to fatigue and muscular discomfort. These risks are likely to be present in factory work. There are some strategies that can be used to combat this problem. One strategy is sit-stand seating.

Active sitting in an office chair has been proven to be beneficial.  An active stool provides great lumbar support and changing positions to suit your height range or adjust to your standing height can be easily achieved, these are also commonly known as drafting chairs and while contemporary, offer a timeless design.

These are the five benefits of using this type chair!

1- Prevent pain

Work in offices can lead to discomfort and musculoskeletal problems. For example, assembly line workers often experience pain from standing for long periods of time. Standing for long periods of times can cause discomfort in the lower limbs, especially the feet, ankles, and knees. Women feel more pain in their legs and calves. These workers often experience lower back pain.

Major discomfort can be caused by the high level of stress on the joints and poor circulation in lower limbs. Sitting on a stool to support the spine reduces the pressure on the joints.

2 Reduce fatigue

Standing posture is mostly maintained by the trunk and legs muscles. These muscles need oxygen and nutrients from blood circulation. Without an adequate blood supply, the body behaves like a car that runs out of gas. Movement becomes impossible. Standing for too long can cause permanent contractions of the lower back and legs, sometimes reaching as far as the neck. These muscles cannot function without adequate nutrition. To recover from intense work, muscles also need to be properly rested.

Factory workers can become less productive and alert once they feel discomfort and pain. Sit-stand chairs allow muscles to rest, delaying fatigue and discomfort.

3 Improve spine alignment

The spine can become distorted when standing for long periods of time in a static position. Factory workers who are required to stand at their job station for long periods of time have a tendency not to align their spines properly. This position causes discomfort and poor posture.

A sit-stand chair with a front-facing seat allows for a more natural lumbar curve. This reduces the chance of injury and back pain.

4 Maintain a better position

This type of chair is easy to move between different positions. Semi-sitting encourages you to alternate between standing and sitting, while reducing the effort required to stand. The sit-stand chair is designed to improve spine alignment, but it’s not intended for maximum comfort. You will find that the small seat and absence of backrests on some chairs encourage you to alter your posture often.

5 Improve accessibility and mobility

Some work tasks, such as assembly, require that work be done on a high or counter-level surface. High stools are the most common and preferred solution. The sit-stand chair, however, is an option that should be considered. It makes it easier to reach objects and allows for more movement. Sitting down causes the worker to bend and twist the trunk in order to grab objects. Sitting down allows for greater trunk mobility, which encourages the worker to reach further to grab objects.

Visit us and try it before you buy!

Sit-stand seating is a good option to reduce workplace discomfort. However, it is important to test it and see how it will fit into your workplace. These seating options have clear benefits, but you need to make sure they are appropriate for your workplace.

Sit-stand seating has many benefits. The ability to alternate between standing and sitting reduces discomfort. This equipment can be used in many settings, even within a factory setting to provide optimal comfort.

Contact us today to help you go through our extensive range of ergonomic sit stand chairs to find the chair that best suits you.

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