If you’ve ever moved from one house or apartment to another, you know that it can be exciting but also incredibly stressful. Multiply that stress by the size of your business and you can only imagine that office relocation can be an enormous headache. We all want our business to grow. Growth, of course, means many small businesses eventually have to move out of their comfort zones. This means relocating to a new, bigger space. However, if you take the time to prepare for the move to help reduce the stress and ensure the move is smooth from start to end. So here are some useful tips from Premier Office Furniture to consider for your office relocation.
Prepare for Office Relocations
An office relocation involves a lot of details and will impact your day to day business. As a result, timing is of the essence. Office relocations can be a very trying experience and, like all moves, you’ll likely experience a number of roadblocks. One of the first things you should do is pre-plan your move.
- Make a list of basic tasks to be completed for the move. Use this as an opportunity to assign roles and responsibilities to staff members for the move.
- Develop a detailed moving plan so you can analyse the estimated time required for the office relocation process.
- Determine if you may need to shut operations down for a day or two, or if it is more convenient to undertake the move on a weekend.
- Finally, determine what furniture you want to bring to your new office and what furniture you may need to buy or upgrade.
Smooth and Efficient Plans for Office Relocations
Everyone wants their office relocation to go smooth and efficiently. As mentioned above, this can be done by planning your move carefully. Having a manager or staff member in charge of overseeing the process can ensure things are done on time and to schedule. Dividing the office relocation into different categories can help, such as lists of inventories to move, packing,
arrangement and labelling of boxes, etc.
Further, it is important to anticipate critical times for your business, such as new launches, major events and meetings, to avoid stress and conflict for you and your employees. Sometimes this can be remedied by scheduling the relocation outside of normal office hours – such as during a weekend.
Prepare Staff for Office Relocations
It is important not to forget your team during your office relocation. In fact, an office relocation can be a fantastic time to improve team work and team building skills. To keep your move on track, you will need everyone on board. As a result, it is important to keep everyone informed as your move progresses so you can keep on top of issues as – or before – they can arise. Determine what involvement your employees should have when preparing the office for moving day.
Further, communication and continued communication with your employees about the process of the office relocation is incredibly important. Ensure you – or your office manager/s assess your employees individual needs and that you are all as proactive in responding to them as possible. This will go a long way in making the move smoother and more efficient.
Office Relocations: An Ideal Time to Upgrade Furniture
An office relocation is an excellent time to upgrade outdated office furniture and equipment. Decide what items you need to eliminate and upgrade. By upgrading older items, you can have them delivered straight to your new location, saving you time and effort – and money. Further a revamp of the overall décor of the office will help promote that sense of newness and refresh to your employees as part of the office relocations.
Finally, if your furniture is out of date and uncomfortable, this is the perfect opportunity to purchase new, ergonomic furniture for your new office and let us help you dispose of your old. This will not only refresh your office but it will improve the health, well being and moral of your employees.
Make Staff Feel Like They Belong and Engage Staff in Creating a New Workplace
As well as preparing your staff for your office relocation, it is important to involve them in the process. After all, they are the ones who will be utilising the new space the most. It is a great idea to give everyone who is moving a clear ideas of the new space, so they can help contribute to relocation decisions and
discussions. Further, this not only makes your move more effective and organised but it also promotes a feeling of belonging among your employees. Offer your staff opportunities to ask questions and get more information. This will also allow you to address any concerns employees might have, quickly and effectively.
Talk to the Office Relocation Specialists at Premier Office Furniture
As with anything, hiring professionals can make all the difference. Professional office relocation and office fitout specialists, like those at Premier Office Furniture, are not only extremely well versed at their jobs but are also efficient. They are less likely to make critical, costly mistakes, thus saving you time and money during your relocation. If you are short on time and resources, get professional relocation and fitout help is crucial. If you are considering the daunting task of an office relocation, contact the team at Premier Office Furniture today! We’re excited to help you take the next step in growing your business!